Image credit: Scott Brande
Sedimentary Rock A03 Resources and Instructions
Observe and study properties in the image(s) and video snips.
Evaluate composition and other properties.
Record observations on a Data Form or handout as instructed.
Identify the sedimentary rock by name.
Review answers and correct any errors after instructor provides answer key.
Unless otherwise noted, images and videos are by Scott Brande.
Click title link for simplified classification table for rock names and their properties.
A03--Whole Rock Video
Centimeter ruler scale (subdivided into millimeters)
video by Scott Brande
A03-HCl Acid Test Video
video by Scott Brande
A03-Hardness Test Video
Hardness test of sample against glass plate
video by Scott Brande
friability - a property of the degree to which a solid crumbles or pulverizes when scraped or scratched.
combustibility - the degree to which a sedimentary rock will ignite and burn.